I have chosen to do a video and these two options -cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package) -a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package) I have to think about the artist, the genre, the song, what i want to represent what i need to include: picture of artist represent song or album selling line when album or single is released quotes from magazines about success
As you can see these album covers are very smilier although Elvis Presley created it first the clashes London's calling is just as effective this shows although artists can be influenced from artists from the past they can use their ideas years after and still be successful. Although many artists include pictures of their selves on the album covers both Elvis and that clash have done this although they have taken a different approach the pictures on the front will not be seen as brilliant photos it still works as they are action shots and captures the real thing.
Florence and the machine are considered as art rock you can tell this by the album cover as it is very "arty" also Florence is included on the cover surrounded by flowers this creates an image and representation for the artist. They have also incorporated the name of the album "lungs" into their cover by rather than just having the name they have exaggerate the lungs on Florence which is effective as people would recognise it.
This is the album "catching a tiger" by Lissie the artist who sings the song i am using for my video she has taken a very simple approach by just having a photo of her on the cover this is also another effective approach as its very intimate which links with the songs on the album this would draw the fans closer. their is no indication the the album name which is a different technique but fits with the genre of the music as its simple.
These two covers by Bob Dylan and Stevie wonders are not so recent but the same techniques are used, so you can see it hasn't really changed apart from now been able to have colours. Both covers include a picture of the artist in black and white with the name of the artists in distinctive text. After looking at various album covers i realised that the conventions and techniques that are successful are -pictures of artist -text, distinctive -fits with theme of the album -fairly close up pictures This is a template for the CD cover I am going to create, because it includes a DVD it need space for 2 Disks therefore this would be the correct template.

Magazine Advertisements Magazine advertisements vary in size and were they are place in the magazine the cost then varies from were abouts in the magazine it is published to what magazine it is in. The adverts can advertise the band or artist itself but also can include the latest tour dates or new album. Example of adverts
As you can see these magazine advertisements are all very similer they all use pictures in some way, although the first and last ones don't use an image of the artists this would be because the nature of the advertisement is to advertise there upcoming tour rather than and album or a single. the other two have pictures of the artist this is because they are about a single or album this makes it more personal as if there the ones advertising it so you go out and buy it.
The conventions would be
-a main image, text, a colour theme, dates and more info.
This is an example of a Digi Pak. I am going to use this idea to create my own.
Digi Paks are used as part of the promotion of the album or single to give the audience more, the theme throughout the Digi pak all links to create album art.
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