Friday, 19 November 2010

Day 2 filming

After an unsucsefull start to my video, i started again this time i took harriet to pearson park for the outside location during the day so that we had natural lighting this was for the perfomance part of the video, i asked harriet to walk around the trees in pearson park in order for it to convey that this was her everyday life and by the lyrics of the song she was still unsettled.I manage to catch a flock of birds this was to suggest the sense of freedom harriet wanted to reach in the song lyrics.
I then moved location to a street down newland avnenue this is because i wanted the mise en scene to support the genre of the music, rather than been a higly expensive music video showing of fashion and fame. I wanted it to be more about the music and the meaning of the song.

Most of this footage I was able to use in my video, although the filming was on going.

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