Friday, 17 December 2010
Day 3 filming
Today I was reshooting my inside location footage, I wanted this footage to start the video of therfore I started with a close up of harriets eye when the music starts her eye opens, to symbolise the feelings and thoughts in her head. I then filmed a candle burning to add to the theme of sleep and to add to the emotion of the song. I also shot harriet performing I included a guitar and microphone to add a sense of realism into the video. In all part of the filming I made sure Harriet was dressed in exactly what I wanted to create a convincing mise en scene.
Thursday, 16 December 2010
New shot list
Opening shot Instrumental: eye (close up) 0:00-0:02
I nstrumental: candle light (close up) 0:02- 00:13
I lay awake at night and pray, (close up)
not to see the light (looking at camera) of day
I wonder how to behave right, he has left 00:13-00:42
me such as mess counting to protest, my heart cant get no rest
Fast asleep were I keep (mid shot) my memorys,
hes calling me out in dreams her 00:57
visits me what will be will i see him again soon
why am I so terrified of (birds)
waking hes gone and (harriet)
I feel like Ive been forsaken 1:05
In sleep is the only place I get to see him
get to love (harriet in trees) him 1:11
instrumental 1:19
cuts to a shot of harriet 1:20
A close up 1:21
Harriet in the street 1:26
it seems a city after dawn 1:26-1:40
comes a feild of corn ive (guitar)
had this one before (close up)
Chorus close up with microphone 1:40:1:55
why am i so terrified of (birds)
1:55 waking hes gone and i feel ( harriet in street)
ive been forsaken
in sleep is the only place i get to see him get to love him (close up) 2:10
and i know were the story ends
the one thats in my head
and i feel alone again 2:24
instrumental (harriet dancing)2:35
Chorus (close up singing) 2:35- 3:12
candle light to fade out 3:15
I nstrumental: candle light (close up) 0:02- 00:13
I lay awake at night and pray, (close up)
not to see the light (looking at camera) of day
I wonder how to behave right, he has left 00:13-00:42
me such as mess counting to protest, my heart cant get no rest
Fast asleep were I keep (mid shot) my memorys,
hes calling me out in dreams her 00:57
visits me what will be will i see him again soon
why am I so terrified of (birds)
waking hes gone and (harriet)
I feel like Ive been forsaken 1:05
In sleep is the only place I get to see him
get to love (harriet in trees) him 1:11
instrumental 1:19
cuts to a shot of harriet 1:20
A close up 1:21
Harriet in the street 1:26
it seems a city after dawn 1:26-1:40
comes a feild of corn ive (guitar)
had this one before (close up)
Chorus close up with microphone 1:40:1:55
why am i so terrified of (birds)
1:55 waking hes gone and i feel ( harriet in street)
ive been forsaken
in sleep is the only place i get to see him get to love him (close up) 2:10
and i know were the story ends
the one thats in my head
and i feel alone again 2:24
instrumental (harriet dancing)2:35
Chorus (close up singing) 2:35- 3:12
candle light to fade out 3:15
Planning for Day 3 of shooting
Prop list
- Guitar
- microphone
- candles
Mise en scene prop list
-appropriate clothing
Location list
- Landing inside my house
- bedroom
- Pearson park
- newland avenue
- Harriet
Shooting schedule
-Morning, Newland ave to catch natural lighting
- Afternoon pearson park to catch sun low in sky
- Evening, my house for "sleep" scenes
- Guitar
- microphone
- candles
Mise en scene prop list
-appropriate clothing
Location list
- Landing inside my house
- bedroom
- Pearson park
- newland avenue
- Harriet
Shooting schedule
-Morning, Newland ave to catch natural lighting
- Afternoon pearson park to catch sun low in sky
- Evening, my house for "sleep" scenes
Wednesday, 15 December 2010
Tuesday, 14 December 2010
Pictures for ancillary texts (Album Cover)
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Friday, 10 December 2010
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
DigiPak ideas and Album covers research
I have chosen to do a video and these two options -cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package) -a magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package) I have to think about the artist, the genre, the song, what i want to represent what i need to include: picture of artist represent song or album selling line when album or single is released quotes from magazines about success
As you can see these album covers are very smilier although Elvis Presley created it first the clashes London's calling is just as effective this shows although artists can be influenced from artists from the past they can use their ideas years after and still be successful. Although many artists include pictures of their selves on the album covers both Elvis and that clash have done this although they have taken a different approach the pictures on the front will not be seen as brilliant photos it still works as they are action shots and captures the real thing.
Florence and the machine are considered as art rock you can tell this by the album cover as it is very "arty" also Florence is included on the cover surrounded by flowers this creates an image and representation for the artist. They have also incorporated the name of the album "lungs" into their cover by rather than just having the name they have exaggerate the lungs on Florence which is effective as people would recognise it.
This is the album "catching a tiger" by Lissie the artist who sings the song i am using for my video she has taken a very simple approach by just having a photo of her on the cover this is also another effective approach as its very intimate which links with the songs on the album this would draw the fans closer. their is no indication the the album name which is a different technique but fits with the genre of the music as its simple.
These two covers by Bob Dylan and Stevie wonders are not so recent but the same techniques are used, so you can see it hasn't really changed apart from now been able to have colours. Both covers include a picture of the artist in black and white with the name of the artists in distinctive text. After looking at various album covers i realised that the conventions and techniques that are successful are -pictures of artist -text, distinctive -fits with theme of the album -fairly close up pictures This is a template for the CD cover I am going to create, because it includes a DVD it need space for 2 Disks therefore this would be the correct template.

Magazine Advertisements Magazine advertisements vary in size and were they are place in the magazine the cost then varies from were abouts in the magazine it is published to what magazine it is in. The adverts can advertise the band or artist itself but also can include the latest tour dates or new album. Example of adverts
As you can see these magazine advertisements are all very similer they all use pictures in some way, although the first and last ones don't use an image of the artists this would be because the nature of the advertisement is to advertise there upcoming tour rather than and album or a single. the other two have pictures of the artist this is because they are about a single or album this makes it more personal as if there the ones advertising it so you go out and buy it.
The conventions would be
-a main image, text, a colour theme, dates and more info.
This is an example of a Digi Pak. I am going to use this idea to create my own.
Digi Paks are used as part of the promotion of the album or single to give the audience more, the theme throughout the Digi pak all links to create album art.
Friday, 19 November 2010
Day 2 filming
After an unsucsefull start to my video, i started again this time i took harriet to pearson park for the outside location during the day so that we had natural lighting this was for the perfomance part of the video, i asked harriet to walk around the trees in pearson park in order for it to convey that this was her everyday life and by the lyrics of the song she was still unsettled.I manage to catch a flock of birds this was to suggest the sense of freedom harriet wanted to reach in the song lyrics.
I then moved location to a street down newland avnenue this is because i wanted the mise en scene to support the genre of the music, rather than been a higly expensive music video showing of fashion and fame. I wanted it to be more about the music and the meaning of the song.
Most of this footage I was able to use in my video, although the filming was on going.
I then moved location to a street down newland avnenue this is because i wanted the mise en scene to support the genre of the music, rather than been a higly expensive music video showing of fashion and fame. I wanted it to be more about the music and the meaning of the song.
Most of this footage I was able to use in my video, although the filming was on going.
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
day 1 filming
Today I got Harriet to come round to my house, were i set up the setting with fairy lights and candles. i got her to lay on the bed as the lyrics stated that this was in her dreams, I started of with a close up of harriets face, the shot then zoomed out to a full view of harriets head and shoulders were harriet began to sing, i also wanted harriet to be in an outside location so i took her into my back garden when it was dark to video her singing along to the words, because there was no natural lighting I used the lights and candles to create an atmosphere for my video. After uploading my filming on the edit suite at college i decided none of this footage was suibtable to use in my video, the lighting was way to dark and some of the footage was out of focus.
This was the footage i had filmed today. Some clips I could not use as they were to dark or hadn't created the effect I wanted. As my song had alot to to with dreams and memories I wanted it to be quite dark and have lights and candles to create and eerie atmosphere. some of the footage I shot has been successful and with abit of editing can be used in my final piece, but there was more filming I needed to do. This is some of the footage bearing in mind its not edited.
This was the footage i had filmed today. Some clips I could not use as they were to dark or hadn't created the effect I wanted. As my song had alot to to with dreams and memories I wanted it to be quite dark and have lights and candles to create and eerie atmosphere. some of the footage I shot has been successful and with abit of editing can be used in my final piece, but there was more filming I needed to do. This is some of the footage bearing in mind its not edited.
Monday, 15 November 2010
This is my animatics, although my final video may not be anything like this, it was somewhere to start from and collect ideas giving me a rough outline of what i wanted to create.
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Notes analysing existing video when im alone from artist "Lissie"
This is an existing video from the artist Lissie. As you can see it uses all conventions of the genre such as the mise en scene used consists of corn Fields, a barn/own recording studio. Lissie is dressed casually with long hair and know make up. This would be deliberate to represent what she wants to her audience. The shots used in the video, vary from long shots and mid shots. But use a lot of close up of the artists performing as this is a main feature of the genre. The musical instruments are payed attention to, to show other talents of the band as this genre is very much about the music.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Researching into genre of song
Country folk rock music is a musical genre combining elements of rock, country and folk music. which makes it a very interesting genre. folk rock arose in the 1960's when people such as Bob Dylan and the band the Byrds were under this genre, the term "Folk Rock" was coined in the u.s after Music Press referred to The Byrds first album.
Artists under this genre use the same techniques that Lissie uses to distinguish their genre to the right audience. such as Bob Dylan his early lyrics involve political, social and literary influences very different to pop or R.n.B conventions. Other artists like Lissie use instruments such as guitars, keyboards and harmonicas instead of beats and synchronized voices, to create a very natural yet talented sound. In this genre the music videos can be very simple but also can use narrative and be abstract but you wouldn't usually see artist under this genre having videos with dancing and representing something that is particularly "trendy" , instead the videos usually involve the artists themselves performing or telling a story which isn't like other genre conventions at all.
The artist who originally sings the song I am using for my music video is seen under the genre of country folk rock. Which combines all elements of each of these genres in one. The conventions of this genre is not particularly obvious as the artists involved in this genre are usually referred to been “unknown” although after researching in depth into the genre I have realised that the stylistics and mise-en- scene used in the videos of those of the artist “Lissie” and other artists under this genre are very consistent throughout these videos. The mise-en- scene is seen as been very “innocent” although there is almost always a hidden message this links with the genre of rock music as rock music is always linked with videos that are seemed to be “meaningful”. The costumes that the artists wear are never meant to come across as been particularly “stylish” and the artists don’t come across as been style icons as they portray the image of been there simply just because of their music.
Although after researching into this genre I have come to the conclusion that the outfits and the look they are representing are very deliberate as all videos linked with this genre have the artist playing instruments such as guitars and are dressed in clothes like chequered shirts and scruffy hair therefore I believe a lot of thought is put into it.
After looking at existing videos throughout this genre I have realised that the iconography used is linked with the meaning and lyrics of the song, rather than having a video based on the latest trends. The camera shots create emotions as close ups are often used in this genre having a big impact on the audience. Rock videos are fast paced and very busy, usually showing a lot of the artist along with narrative, country music can be seen as very “sweet” and “innocent” but can be very deep as country music is linked closely with American history. Folk music again is based very much upon the meaning of the song and concentrates purely on the music, as the genre of my song is all of these linked together as one genre, I found that different aspects of each of these genres are used in the videos of the artist “Lissie”. I have looked at the video “when I’m alone” by Lissie and noticed that the setting is very similar to videos of the same genre such as videos by Ellie Goulding who is also linked with folk music. The setting of the video is based in a corn field which has connotations to innocence and emotion, Lissie is wearing a chequered dress and boots which are conventions of this genre, throughout the video the camera switches between her and the band having close ups of the instruments this again links with rock music videos.
I will use these conventions and techniques in my video as I want to get the genre across the audience and make a clear link between the genre and the video to make it successful that’s why I have thought about each aspect of the video to make sure I would represent the artist in the right way. The costume, setting and model all must fit within in this genre to successfully portray the right image.
Artists under this genre use the same techniques that Lissie uses to distinguish their genre to the right audience. such as Bob Dylan his early lyrics involve political, social and literary influences very different to pop or R.n.B conventions. Other artists like Lissie use instruments such as guitars, keyboards and harmonicas instead of beats and synchronized voices, to create a very natural yet talented sound. In this genre the music videos can be very simple but also can use narrative and be abstract but you wouldn't usually see artist under this genre having videos with dancing and representing something that is particularly "trendy" , instead the videos usually involve the artists themselves performing or telling a story which isn't like other genre conventions at all.
The artist who originally sings the song I am using for my music video is seen under the genre of country folk rock. Which combines all elements of each of these genres in one. The conventions of this genre is not particularly obvious as the artists involved in this genre are usually referred to been “unknown” although after researching in depth into the genre I have realised that the stylistics and mise-en- scene used in the videos of those of the artist “Lissie” and other artists under this genre are very consistent throughout these videos. The mise-en- scene is seen as been very “innocent” although there is almost always a hidden message this links with the genre of rock music as rock music is always linked with videos that are seemed to be “meaningful”. The costumes that the artists wear are never meant to come across as been particularly “stylish” and the artists don’t come across as been style icons as they portray the image of been there simply just because of their music.
Although after researching into this genre I have come to the conclusion that the outfits and the look they are representing are very deliberate as all videos linked with this genre have the artist playing instruments such as guitars and are dressed in clothes like chequered shirts and scruffy hair therefore I believe a lot of thought is put into it.
After looking at existing videos throughout this genre I have realised that the iconography used is linked with the meaning and lyrics of the song, rather than having a video based on the latest trends. The camera shots create emotions as close ups are often used in this genre having a big impact on the audience. Rock videos are fast paced and very busy, usually showing a lot of the artist along with narrative, country music can be seen as very “sweet” and “innocent” but can be very deep as country music is linked closely with American history. Folk music again is based very much upon the meaning of the song and concentrates purely on the music, as the genre of my song is all of these linked together as one genre, I found that different aspects of each of these genres are used in the videos of the artist “Lissie”. I have looked at the video “when I’m alone” by Lissie and noticed that the setting is very similar to videos of the same genre such as videos by Ellie Goulding who is also linked with folk music. The setting of the video is based in a corn field which has connotations to innocence and emotion, Lissie is wearing a chequered dress and boots which are conventions of this genre, throughout the video the camera switches between her and the band having close ups of the instruments this again links with rock music videos.
I will use these conventions and techniques in my video as I want to get the genre across the audience and make a clear link between the genre and the video to make it successful that’s why I have thought about each aspect of the video to make sure I would represent the artist in the right way. The costume, setting and model all must fit within in this genre to successfully portray the right image.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Analysing lyrics/Ideas for video
I lay awake at night and pray
- Night time, dark Not to see the light of day
- show emotion
I wonder how to behave right
He has left me such a mess
- (He) shes the protagonist
Counting to protest My mind can't get no rest
- Mind, eerie feeling inside the mind
Fast asleep where I keep my memories
-Memories flash back bright contrast to thoughts in "mind"
Calling me out in dreams
-Dreams again very visual lights, eerie imagery
He visits me
What will be Will I see him again soon?
Oh oh oh oh Why am I so terrified of waking?
He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken
In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him -Romance
The scene, a city after dawn
City lights
Becomes a field of corn -corn
Fields ,innocent And I've had this one before
Fast asleep where I keep my memories
Calling me out in dreams He visits me
What will be Will I see him again soon?
Oh oh oh oh Why am I so terrified of waking? He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him
I know that when the story ends
The one that's in my head
-Inside head uses this imagery a lot
Well, I'll be alone again
Why am I so terrified of waking?
He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken
In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him
Be with him I love him, I love him, I love him
The lyrics create strong imagery therefore i need strong shots with effective lighting in the video i am going to create, the lyric "fast asleep where i keep my memories" indicates to me that the thoughts and feelings of the video come from the artists head therefore i want to use lights and candles to create an eerie effect. because of the genre of the song i want to include the artists performing.
- Night time, dark Not to see the light of day
- show emotion
I wonder how to behave right
He has left me such a mess
- (He) shes the protagonist
Counting to protest My mind can't get no rest
- Mind, eerie feeling inside the mind
Fast asleep where I keep my memories
-Memories flash back bright contrast to thoughts in "mind"
Calling me out in dreams
-Dreams again very visual lights, eerie imagery
He visits me
What will be Will I see him again soon?
Oh oh oh oh Why am I so terrified of waking?
He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken
In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him -Romance
The scene, a city after dawn
City lights
Becomes a field of corn -corn
Fields ,innocent And I've had this one before
Fast asleep where I keep my memories
Calling me out in dreams He visits me
What will be Will I see him again soon?
Oh oh oh oh Why am I so terrified of waking? He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him
I know that when the story ends
The one that's in my head
-Inside head uses this imagery a lot
Well, I'll be alone again
Why am I so terrified of waking?
He's gone and I feel I've been forsaken
In sleep is the only place I get to see him, get to love him
Be with him I love him, I love him, I love him
The lyrics create strong imagery therefore i need strong shots with effective lighting in the video i am going to create, the lyric "fast asleep where i keep my memories" indicates to me that the thoughts and feelings of the video come from the artists head therefore i want to use lights and candles to create an eerie effect. because of the genre of the song i want to include the artists performing.
Friday, 15 October 2010
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