Tuesday 16 November 2010

day 1 filming

Today I got Harriet to come round to my house, were i set up the setting with fairy lights and candles. i got her to lay on the bed as the lyrics stated that this was in her dreams, I started of with a close up of harriets face, the shot then zoomed out to a full view of harriets head and shoulders were harriet began to sing, i also wanted harriet to be in an outside location so i took her into my back garden when it was dark to video her singing along to the words, because there was no natural lighting I used the lights and candles to create an atmosphere for my video. After uploading my filming on the edit suite at college i decided none of this footage was suibtable to use in my video, the lighting was way to dark and some of the footage was out of focus.

This was the footage i had filmed today. Some clips I could not use as they were to dark or hadn't created the effect I wanted. As my song had alot to to with dreams and memories I wanted it to be quite dark and have lights and candles to create and eerie atmosphere. some of the footage I shot has been successful and with abit of editing can be used in my final piece, but there was more filming I needed to do. This is some of the footage bearing in mind its not edited.

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