This video starts with a high angled establishing shot of buildings, the tall buildings and lights suggest the setting is new york, this would be deliberate as new york is seen as the capital for everything and if your famous you make it in new york. The camera then blurs out and comes into focus on artist Adele, she is inside a dark lit room and looks emotional. Adele uses this video as a performance although she is playing a character in the video. Throughout the singing there is a shot reverse shot of her face and the phone suggesting that maybe she has had an argument with a friend or partner this helps get the meaning across to the audience. In the video there are numerous times were the camera is an over the shoulder shot of Adele looking out the window this suggests that she is longing for something this creates emotion and lets the audience relate to the song. Adele is under the genre of pop, soul and country therefore this is the genre of the song. As for the video this could be categorized as that but it also has elements of romance and emotion within the video so this would also appeal to people who like those sort of videos.
Adele is dressed in casual clothes suggesting that she is not an icon for style of fashion but simply just for her music this again links with the genre of the song. The video is very simple but effective as the song is very emotional it doesn't need a busy upbeat music video to get across what is needed.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Textual analysis for video "make you feel my love" by Adele
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Textual Analysis for Music Video "History" by Funeral For A Friend
This music video has a narrative structure and intertexual references to the 1980's as it is about the miners strike. The band funeral for a friend included this in their video as their family's were deeply involved in the strike.The video uses media languages and forms as The video uses very dark colours such as sepia's this is to create the mood and makes it become authentic. Although the narrative is based on the strike. it is also based on history and life in the 1980's the video can link with the song words although the song is not originally based on that them. The video starts with a mid shot of a banner the typography on the banner is very effective because although you only see certain words the news report like speech over the top talks about miners and police cops been injured in a battle.
The slow motion movement of the video is also very effective as this creates sympathy as it fits with the serious nature of the video. The opening sequence starts of with a close up of a man this later becomes the main character in the narrative in then zooms out to show them sat in the back of the police riot van. This particular part of the video fits well with the music as this part is a melody when the music kicks in the violence in the video does also this works really well. Although the band do have some performance in the video. The narrative is the main focus point of the video, the band are situated in the fight location this could represent that they are used to been surrounded in this sort of situation. The genre of this music video is intertexual to history and the miners strike therefore is based upon this subject. you can tell the genre of this video and song by the way the artists are dressed, there not representing an image of glamor and style but simply just playing the music, you know straight away that this is in the genre of rock as that is what its all about. the violence in the video also represents rock music as this is based on many rock artists lifestyles. the mise en scene also shows the genre as dark, dingy colours are used.
The close up of the main character shows real emotion as does the violence. The whole video is very emotional as it shows violence in a very surreal way. The miners and the police in the video all strongly stand up for what they believe and this shows the slow motion violence. The camera does switch to shots of the band at significant parts of the song showing how they are involved in this video. The setting is the protest of the "battle" the scene is dirty and with injured body's sprawled around this represents how those days where.The song itself has a slow melody in parts but guitar and drum beats shows genre but also adds emotion. identifying the audience although funeral for a friend are famous in there music scene I wouldn't say there world wide famous, obviously there audience is people who like that genre of music, but with the video being intertexual with the miners strike and history of the 1980's this could attract people interested in that subject, or people who's family who were involved in this particular part of history. The ending of the video show the main character at home with his family, this particular part of the video really shows the hardship of them times.
Music Videos
Performance A music video contains mostly filmed performance clip, shows the vocalist in more than one setting.
Conceptual/experimental (art) A music video that conatins no perceptible visual narrative and no lip singing pure art clip
Narrative. “Narrative is a series of actions and chain of events in a cause and effect relationship occurring in time and space”
Conventions of music videos
Cinematography is used in music videos such as close ups these are the main feature of cinematography used in music videos. As it allows the viewer to engage with the artsist, this is also used for the artist to become recognisable to the audience.
Mise en scene is the setting and costume used in the video it also defines the genre of the music as if an artist was casually dressed it would be recognised as maybe and indie or rock genre, were if the artists was dressed up you would associate that with the pop genre.
Editing is another convention of music videos, the editing would match the beat of the song, most videos become montage editing as there is usually two forms within the video for example performance and narrative.
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
History of music videos
This is the first illustrated song that later leaded on to many music videos been created. music videos today are very important as this allows the marketing of the song much easier. it allows the artist songs to be distributed in a different way making more people hear about the song, this way the artists make more money. Also alot of artists have made their career from their music videos been on the music channels which have also become a very popular trend. The next video created seen to be the first music video was bohemian rhapsody by Queen Though some artists had made video clips to accompany songs (including Queen themselves; for example, "Keep Yourself Alive" "Seven Seas Of Rhye" "Killer Queen" and "Liar" already had "pop promos", as they were known at the time), it was only after the success of "Bohemian Rhapsody" that it became regular practice for record companies to produce promotional videos for artists' single releases.
Monday, 6 September 2010
My Brief
- A website homepage for the band
- A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package)
- A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package)